Monday, June 29, 2009


Finding a job can be the single most labor intensive event a person can go through,( granted birthing a baby more be more, but it doesn't last as long). But recently my job search has me more PO'd than before. So let me ask the question, why would a company post a position (corporate website, craigslist or other), collect resumes, conduct interviews only to say and I quote "We need more time, Ron, to sort this out. I am impressed with your background and experience. I will be in-touch when our way clears. Thanks for being persistent."

The employment process is not cheap and takes a considerable amount of the companies time to write up a job description, submit it to recruiters, job postings. Then the amount of time to review resumes, decide who to interview, but to then tell candidates that "We are not ready" boggles the mind.

I know what you want to say "why work for them if they can't make a decision" but many companies are doing this.

My 3 cents.

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